Lung Cancer Screenings
Davis Medical Center offers a low-cost CT Lung Screening to help detect cancer at an early stage and to improve the prognosis for those with lung cancer. Low-Dose CT Screening is a quick and easy procedure that uses x-rays to obtain a multiple image scan of the chest.
A National Lung Cancer Screening Trial showed that for the target group of people 50 and older with a history of heavy smoking, the scans decreased lung cancer deaths by 20 percent compared to chest X-rays.
As always, Davis Medical Center recommends a decision regarding a Lung Cancer Screening be made in conjunction with your doctor.
Screening Criteria
For lung cancer in particular, a number of groups have agreed on the criteria for people who should consider a CT scan of their lungs even if they have no symptoms. According to the National Lung Cancer Partnership, guidelines from the American Cancer Society, The American College of Chest Physicians/American Society of Clinical Oncology/American Thoracic Society and The American Lung Association recommend CT screening for lung cancer only for the following “high risk” individuals:
People 50-77 with a history of heavy smoking - at least “20-packyears”, which would include people who smoked one pack of cigarettes per day for 30 years or people who smoked two packs per day for 15 years, or three packs per day for 10 years, etc.
The Procedure
The screening is performed in the diagnostic radiology department of Davis Medical Center. During the exam spiral CT scans create 3-Dimages by rotating the scanner around the body, in this case to check for abnormalities in the lungs. The procedure takes less than one minute and no medications are necessary.
Although advance screening has proven to save lives, it is not without risks that patients and their physicians should consider. A conversation is a must before starting the screening process. Special protocols are established for this exam to ensure the lowest radiation dose possible.
Screening Results
Results should be expected within 2 weeks of the screening exam. A copy of the results will be sent to the referring physician.
The Cost
Medicare and many insurance plans now cover the cost of this screening. For uninsured and underinsured patients, a discounted cost of $99 is available. Your insurance may be billed for additional tests should they be recommended following the CT Lung Screening.
To Make an Appointment
A physician order is necessary for the screening. If you are a physician office staff or patient, please call 304.637.3732 to determine if you qualify, and to schedule a lung screening exam.